Although I've never been in a full out relationship, I know what I want from one. I'm not looking for anything short-term unless that's the way it plays out. I know it's impractical to assume that every relationship will be for life, but I want someone who's at least willing to consider that a possibility. I get attached to people very quickly, so keep that in mind when/if you decide to message me.
I work two jobs. One is full time at Wal-Msrt as a Customer Service Manager and the other is part time at a Circle K. If I'm home, I'm either on YouTube or watching shows.
I have a very sarcastic sense of humore, so expect me to be sarcastic. A lot of people see it as me being an @ssh*le, but you have to understand it's just me being me and I don't see myself as an @ssh*le. At least I hope I'm not lol. I'm a very giving person and try to do whatever I can for people.
I also want to disclose that I have a rare condition that has affected my teeth. More on that if you're interested, but it does affect my appearance, and it's something I'm extremely self conscious about.