Yes, I'm 18 years old, but I know what I want in a relationship. Everything you are about to read, is what I want. Nothing more. Money means nothing to me. I've always worked, so everything I have I worked for. I'm not selfish, I'm a very giving person. I make sure others are fine before myself. It's how I was raised and I believe it is the right thing to do. I've been hurt in my one and only relationship, but I realized I could do so much more. I gave and gave and gave, and not once did I get any appreciation from what I was doing for him, so. I believe someone is out there for me, I just need to find him and when I do, I will truly be happy for the first time in my life. I want someone who likes me for me, for my imperfections, my perfections, my problems, and still doesn't lower their opinion on me. I want something real. Aside from all of what I would like to have...I'm 18 years old. I'm a freshman at Johnson and Wales. I'm majoring in Graphic Design and Digital Media and Minoring in English, two different subjects, but I like them both very much

. I'm always happy and smiling, and it's great. I text as if it's my job

. I never judge based upon first impressions, I give many tries until you give me a reason not to like you. My family is the most important thing to me, besides my friends

My sister is my best friend, and I would literally anything for her.
My parents are my heros.
I honestly could care less what people think of me and if they talk about me, fine

. I live my life for me, not everyone else so what I do should not matter to everyone else

. Gabrielle Hans is my best friend and I'm so happy I met her at college! She's great! I'm always out to have a good time, and I'm fun. I love my life, and I wouldn't change anything in it

So, if you'd like too, get to know me, im me at xxxparrtyboyyxxx