my name is Emmjay my name is MJ and im 20
First step is admitting you have a problem: MY NAME IS MJ AND IM ADDICTED TO TEXTIN

AND I DON'T PLAN TO GIVE IT UP LOL. well let me see my name is MJ that is short for michael jordan. i am black duh but i tell ppl im mix and theY believe me LOVE IT but currently my ethnicity is Caramel lol. i am 5 something mayb 6 idk. i have lost a good amount of weight

and im happy bout that lol. i like going to church and i have alot of friends(i get around) and i hang out with diff ppl not just one clique or group and i LOVE meeting new ppl. I am not that shy even though i act that way sometimes. and i love everyone and i think everyone deserves a second chance no matter wat their past is like or wat they have done.And to all the haters keep talking bout me you're just making me famous. i am Currently enrolled at gadsden state community college Ayers campus. i love acting it is sooooooooo much fun i love it. and i love to dance and sing i will bust out in public singing and dancing

i don't care what ppl think about me and never will!! i speak my mind and im a free spirit... want to know more message or comment or text me