Well, to start, I'm working my way through on becoming a Linguist. Asian languages to be precise. I think its the most awesome thing in the world to be able to communicate directly from someone halfway across the world. It's even more amazing if you can communicate with more than 2 languages. The reason why I want to be a Linguist is because A: I get to travel. B: I can understand cultures better. C: People think you're clever

I like food. Especially healthy food. I guess you can call me a health freak sometimes. Mostly true. I'm pretty healthy. I have no physical....or mental problems

I love to play video games. It's my life (almost). It has kept me sane through hard times in my life

. I like to keep updated on video games. Talking about videogames. I even read the "gameinformer". I mostly play computer games because most of them are online and it's just my type of games. Games without online play are pointless. You can't show your skill to people around the world other than your dog. You would think that I would go into the gaming industry. Maybe, maybe not. I tried computer programming before and it was a nightmare. However, because of my linguistic studies, I could represent companies abroad and speak to the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans about the upcoming system

Oh! I love martial art movies! Mm hm. I love it. I grew up watching those things everytime I get bored...or not bored. I even do some martial arts myself

. I just love seeing those guys beat the crap out of those bad guys who deserve it.