Some things you should know about me though
I'm not into theater(Yes there have been a few exceptions *coughMadeaCough*)
I'm not much of an artist although I appreciate Art very much
I'm not masculine nor am I much of a "Queen" although I do joke around like one
I'm not into the"Scene"(basically No clubs and not many parties)
Now that we got that down Here some other things that you should know which are a bit more important.
I'm a Music-Junkie
I'm adventurous but Cautious
I am a Great listener
I Detest people who straightforward ask for sex
I'm into having conversation about many things
I at certain times like to be alone to think things over
I'm always trying to better myself
Sometimes I'm forgetful.
I'm looking for a first true love.
I'm looking for Life-Long friends.
My skype is Josias.Ara