Shy until I get to know you, but I warm up fast. I take life as it comes. In other words I try not to make to big of a deal out of any one thing. I've always had a "slower" more laid back personality than most of the other people around me. I love to think I have a decent enough sense of humor to be entertaining, and my laugh can be infectious.
As far as my personality goes, I am very neurotic and a complete dork.

I don't tolerate rude people because there is no reason to be so. Likewise I don't deal with any "haters"...people that just have a mean streak for no apparent reason. To me, I look at it as there is way too much hate already in this world, so why the hell are you wanting to add to that form of energy. Also people who are angry all the time, or angry when they are drunk, i mean, whats up with that. If you feel nervous in the least, trying to talk or chat with me, don't. I get that way sometimes too.

I usually like guys with darker features. I have a particular fondness for Latino, Italian, and Indian. But I would date most guys given a chance, as long as they're not stalker material. I also tend to have more effeminate mannerisms/voice, so I tend to prefer the more masculine guys.