Im 27, lean, btw 1300-140 pounds. I like video games, reading, cycling and hiking (although I'm not all that athletic. My favourite food is pasta or steak.
I'm open to try new things, but can enjoy the 'same old, same old' as well.
Im very shy, and usually dont speak much unless spoken to until i get to know someone better. I can be talkative when its a subject I am passionate about and enjoy a good debate from time to time.
My musical tastes could be considered 'Emo & Metal' although I dont hold to those styles much in appearance, as well as some alternative music. My favourite Bands are Chiodos, From First to Last, Muse, I Am Ghost, Bring Me The Horizon, Old Cradle of Filth as well as the Works of Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy soundtracks